Class HibernateCacheLoader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class HibernateCacheLoader
    extends com.tangosol.util.Base
    Data-driven CacheLoader implementation for Hibernate tables

    These methods all follow the pattern of:

    1. open session
    2. begin transaction
    3. do work
    4. commit transaction (or rollback on exception and rethrow)
    5. close session
    jp 2005.09.15, pp 2009.01.23, rs 2013.09.05
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.tangosol.util.Base

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected static String PARAM_IDS
      Name of the "ids" named parameter in HQL bulk queries
      • Fields inherited from class com.tangosol.util.Base

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void closeSession​(org.hibernate.Session session)
      Close a Hibernate Session.
      protected Object createEntityFromId​(Object id, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor sessionImplementor)
      Create a transient entity instance given an entity id
      protected void ensureInitialized()
      Called by all API-implementing methods for lazy initialization.
      protected org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata getEntityClassMetadata()
      Get the Hibernate ClassMetadata for the Hibernate entity
      protected String getEntityName()
      Get the Hibernate entity name
      protected String getLoadAllQuery()
      Get the parameterized loadAll HQL query string
      org.hibernate.SessionFactory getSessionFactory()
      Get the Hibernate SessionFactory.
      protected void initialize()
      Initializer (must be called post-constructor)
      Object load​(Object key)
      Load a Hibernate entity given an id (key)
      Map loadAll​(Collection keys)
      Load a collection of Hibernate entities given a set of ids (keys)
      protected org.hibernate.Session openSession()
      Open a Hibernate Session.
      protected void setEntityClassMetadata​(org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata entityClassMetadata)
      Get the Hibernate ClassMetadata for the Hibernate entity
      void setEntityName​(String sEntityName)
      Set the Hibernate entity name.
      protected void setLoadAllQuery​(String sLoadAllQuery)
      Get the parameterized loadAll HQL query string
      void setSessionFactory​(org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory)
      Set the Hibernate SessionFactory to be used by this CacheLoader.
      protected void validateIdentifier​(Serializable id, Object entity, org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor sessionImplementor)
      Ensure that there are no conflicts between an explicit and implicit key.
      • Methods inherited from class com.tangosol.util.Base

        azzert, azzert, azzert, azzertFailed, breakLines, breakLines, capitalize, checkNotEmpty, checkNotNull, checkRange, computeSafeWaitTime, decimalValue, dup, dup, ensureBigDecimal, ensureClassLoader, ensureRuntimeException, ensureRuntimeException, equals, equalsDeep, err, err, err, err, err, escape, formatDateTime, getCallerStackFrame, getCommonMonitor, getCommonMonitor, getCommonMonitor, getContextClassLoader, getContextClassLoader, getDeepMessage, getErr, getLastSafeTimeMillis, getLog, getMaxDecDigits, getMaxHexDigits, getOriginalException, getOut, getProcessRandom, getRandom, getRandomBinary, getRandomBinary, getRandomString, getSafeTimeMillis, getStackFrame, getStackFrames, getStackTrace, getStackTrace, getThreadFactory, getTimeZone, getUpTimeMillis, hashCode, hexValue, indentString, indentString, isDecimal, isHex, isLogEcho, isOctal, log, log, log, log, log, makeInteger, makeLong, makeThread, mergeArray, mergeBooleanArray, mergeByteArray, mergeCharArray, mergeDoubleArray, mergeFloatArray, mergeIntArray, mergeLongArray, mod, mod, octalValue, out, out, out, out, out, pad, parseBandwidth, parseBandwidth, parseDelimitedString, parseHex, parseHex, parseMemorySize, parseMemorySize, parsePercentage, parseTime, parseTime, parseTimeNanos, parseTimeNanos, printStackTrace, randomize, randomize, randomize, randomize, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, replace, setErr, setLog, setLogEcho, setOut, sleep, toBandwidthString, toBandwidthString, toCharEscape, toCrc, toCrc, toCrc, toCrc, toCrc, toDecString, toDelimitedString, toDelimitedString, toDelimitedString, toDelimitedString, toHex, toHex, toHexDump, toHexEscape, toHexEscape, toHexEscape, toHexEscape, toHexString, toMemorySizeString, toMemorySizeString, toQuotedCharEscape, toQuotedStringEscape, toSqlString, toString, toString, toStringEscape, toUnicodeEscape, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, truncateString, truncateString, wait
    • Field Detail

      • PARAM_IDS

        protected static final String PARAM_IDS
        Name of the "ids" named parameter in HQL bulk queries
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • HibernateCacheLoader

        public HibernateCacheLoader()
        Default constructor. If using this constructor, it is expected that the entityName and sessionFactory attributes will be set prior to usage.
      • HibernateCacheLoader

        public HibernateCacheLoader​(String sEntityName)
        Constructor which accepts an entityName. Configures Hibernate using the default Hibernate configuration. The current implementation parses this file once-per-instance (there is typically a single instance per).
        sEntityName - the Hibernate entity (i.e., the HQL table name)
      • HibernateCacheLoader

        public HibernateCacheLoader​(String sEntityName,
                                    String sResource)
        Constructor which accepts an entityName and a Hibernate configuration resource. The current implementation instantiates a SessionFactory per instance (implying one instance per CacheStore-backed NamedCache).
        sEntityName - Hibernate entity (i.e. the HQL table name)
        sResource - Hibernate config classpath resource (e.g. hibernate.cfg.xml)
      • HibernateCacheLoader

        public HibernateCacheLoader​(String sEntityName,
                                    File configurationFile)
        Constructor which accepts an entityName and a Hibernate configuration resource. The current implementation instantiates a SessionFactory per instance (implying one instance per CacheStore-backed NamedCache).
        sEntityName - Hibernate entity (i.e. the HQL table name)
        configurationFile - Hibernate config file (e.g. hibernate.cfg.xml)
      • HibernateCacheLoader

        public HibernateCacheLoader​(String sEntityName,
                                    org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory)
        Constructor which accepts an entityName and a Hibernate SessionFactory. This allows for external configuration of the SessionFactory (for instance using Spring.)
        sEntityName - Hibernate entity (i.e. the HQL table name)
        sessionFactory - Hibernate SessionFactory
    • Method Detail

      • getSessionFactory

        public org.hibernate.SessionFactory getSessionFactory()
        Get the Hibernate SessionFactory.
        the Hibernate SessionFactory
      • setSessionFactory

        public void setSessionFactory​(org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory)
        Set the Hibernate SessionFactory to be used by this CacheLoader. This attribute can only be set once during the lifecycle of an instance.
        sessionFactory - the Hibernate SessionFactory
        IllegalStateException - if the session factory has already been set
      • getEntityName

        protected String getEntityName()
        Get the Hibernate entity name
        the entity name
      • setEntityName

        public void setEntityName​(String sEntityName)
        Set the Hibernate entity name. This attribute can only be set once during the lifecycle of an instance.
        sEntityName - the entity name
        IllegalStateException - if the entity name has already been set
      • initialize

        protected void initialize()
        Initializer (must be called post-constructor)

        We do this specifically so that derived classes can safely create override methods that depend on a fully constructed object state. Will only be called once per instance and prior to the main body of any API methods. This should not be directly called by derived classes. If this method is overridden, super must be called at the end of the overriding method.

      • ensureInitialized

        protected void ensureInitialized()
        Called by all API-implementing methods for lazy initialization. This should never be called from a constructor.
      • load

        public Object load​(Object key)
        Load a Hibernate entity given an id (key)
        Specified by:
        load in interface
        key - the cache key; specifically, the entity id
        the corresponding Hibernate entity instance
      • loadAll

        public Map loadAll​(Collection keys)
        Load a collection of Hibernate entities given a set of ids (keys)
        Specified by:
        loadAll in interface
        keys - the cache keys; specifically, the entity ids
        the corresponding Hibernate entity instances
      • openSession

        protected org.hibernate.Session openSession()
        Open a Hibernate Session.
        the Hibernate Session object
      • closeSession

        protected void closeSession​(org.hibernate.Session session)
        Close a Hibernate Session.
        session - the Hibernate Session object
      • getEntityClassMetadata

        protected org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata getEntityClassMetadata()
        Get the Hibernate ClassMetadata for the Hibernate entity
        the ClassMetadata object
      • setEntityClassMetadata

        protected void setEntityClassMetadata​(org.hibernate.metadata.ClassMetadata entityClassMetadata)
        Get the Hibernate ClassMetadata for the Hibernate entity
        entityClassMetadata - the ClassMetadata object
      • getLoadAllQuery

        protected String getLoadAllQuery()
        Get the parameterized loadAll HQL query string
        a parameterized HQL query string
      • setLoadAllQuery

        protected void setLoadAllQuery​(String sLoadAllQuery)
        Get the parameterized loadAll HQL query string
        sLoadAllQuery - a parameterized HQL query string
      • createEntityFromId

        protected Object createEntityFromId​(Object id,
                                            org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor sessionImplementor)
        Create a transient entity instance given an entity id
        id - the Hibernate entity id
        sessionImplementor - the Hibernate SessionImplementor
        the Hibernate entity (may return null)
      • validateIdentifier

        protected void validateIdentifier​(Serializable id,
                                          Object entity,
                                          org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor sessionImplementor)
        Ensure that there are no conflicts between an explicit and implicit key.
        id - the explicit key
        entity - an entity (containing an implicit key)
        sessionImplementor - the Hibernate SessionImplementor