All Classes and Interfaces

A AbstractCoherenceEntityDataAccess is an object implementing a strategy for accessing a cache region.
A AbstractCoherenceEntityDataAccess is an object implementing a strategy for accessing a cache region.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.AfterInsertProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for inserting a value into cache if none is present, and returning a boolean indicating whether it did so, consistent with the expected behavior of a read-write cache access strategy's afterInsert() method.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.AfterInsertProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for inserting a value into cache if none is present, and returning a boolean indicating whether it did so, consistent with the expected behavior of a read-write cache access strategy's afterInsert() method.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.AfterUpdateProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for updating a value in a second-level cache and returning a boolean indicating whether it did so, consistent with the expected behavior of a read-write cache access strategy's afterUpdate() method.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.AfterUpdateProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for updating a value in a second-level cache and returning a boolean indicating whether it did so, consistent with the expected behavior of a read-write cache access strategy's afterUpdate() method.
Helper class for some common assertions.
Helper class for some common assertions.
Coherence-specific extension of the DomainDataRegionTemplate.
Coherence-specific extension of the DomainDataRegionTemplate.
Defines all Hibernate Properties that are specific for Coherence Hibernate.
Defines all Hibernate Properties that are specific for Coherence Hibernate.
A helper class that makes Coherence-bound configuration properties available as System property.
A helper class that makes Coherence-bound configuration properties available as System property.
A CoherenceNonstrictReadWriteCollectionAccess is CoherenceRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's nonstrict-read-write cache concurrency strategy for a collection region.
A CoherenceNonstrictReadWriteCollectionAccess is CoherenceRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's nonstrict-read-write cache concurrency strategy for a collection region.
A CoherenceNonstrictReadWriteEntityAccess is an AbstractCoherenceEntityDataAccess implementing Hibernate's nonstrict-read-write cache concurrency strategy for an entity region.
A CoherenceNonstrictReadWriteEntityAccess is an AbstractCoherenceEntityDataAccess implementing Hibernate's nonstrict-read-write cache concurrency strategy for an entity region.
A CoherenceNonstrictReadWriteNaturalIdAccess is a CoherenceRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's nonstrict-read-write cache concurrency strategy for a natural ID region.
A CoherenceNonstrictReadWriteNaturalIdAccess is a CoherenceRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's nonstrict-read-write cache concurrency strategy for a natural ID region.
A CoherenceReadOnlyCollectionAccess is CoherenceRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's read-only cache concurrency strategy for collection regions.
A CoherenceReadOnlyCollectionAccess is CoherenceRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's read-only cache concurrency strategy for collection regions.
An CoherenceReadOnlyEntityAccess is an AbstractCoherenceEntityDataAccess implementing Hibernate's read-only cache concurrency strategy for entity regions.
An CoherenceReadOnlyEntityAccess is an AbstractCoherenceEntityDataAccess implementing Hibernate's read-only cache concurrency strategy for entity regions.
A CoherenceReadOnlyNaturalIdAccess is a CoherenceRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's read-only cache concurrency strategy for a natural ID region.
A CoherenceReadOnlyNaturalIdAccess is a CoherenceRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's read-only cache concurrency strategy for a natural ID region.
A CoherenceNonstrictReadWriteCollectionAccess is CoherenceCollectionRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's read-write cache concurrency strategy.
A CoherenceNonstrictReadWriteCollectionAccess is CoherenceCollectionRegionAccessStrategy implementing Hibernate's read-write cache concurrency strategy.
An CoherenceReadWriteEntityAccess is a Coherence-based read-write region access strategy for Hibernate entity regions.
An CoherenceReadWriteEntityAccess is a Coherence-based read-write region access strategy for Hibernate entity regions.
A CoherenceReadWriteNaturalIdAccess is a Coherence-based read-write region access strategy for Hibernate natural ID regions.
A CoherenceReadWriteNaturalIdAccess is a Coherence-based read-write region access strategy for Hibernate natural ID regions.
CoherenceRegion is an abstract superclass for classes representing different kinds of "region" in the Hibernate second-level cache.
CoherenceRegion is an abstract superclass for classes representing different kinds of "region" in the Hibernate second-level cache.
A CoherenceRegionFactory is a factory for regions of Hibernate second-level cache implemented with Oracle Coherence.
A CoherenceRegionFactory is a factory for regions of Hibernate second-level cache implemented with Oracle Coherence.
A CoherenceRegion.CoherenceRegionValue is an object representing a value in Hibernate's second-level cache.
A CoherenceRegion.CoherenceRegionValue is an object representing a value in Hibernate's second-level cache.
A CoherenceRegion.CoherenceRegionValue.SoftLock is an object representing a "soft lock" on an entry in second-level cache.
A CoherenceRegion.CoherenceRegionValue.SoftLock is an object representing a "soft lock" on an entry in second-level cache.
Coherence Extension of DomainDataStorageAccess.
Coherence Extension of DomainDataStorageAccess.
Implementation of CoherenceStorageAccess.
Implementation of CoherenceStorageAccess.
Helper class for some common Configuration utilities.
Helper class for some common Configuration utilities.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.GetProcessor is an EntryProcessor for getting an entity in second-level cache.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.GetProcessor is an EntryProcessor for getting an entity in second-level cache.
Data-driven CacheLoader implementation for Hibernate tables.
Data-driven CacheStore implementation for Hibernate tables.
A AbstractCoherenceEntityDataAccess.PutFromLoadProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for putting a value in a second-level cache that was just loaded from database, and returning a boolean indicating whether it did so, consistent with the expected behavior of a cache access strategy's putFromLoad() method.
A AbstractCoherenceEntityDataAccess.PutFromLoadProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for putting a value in a second-level cache that was just loaded from database, and returning a boolean indicating whether it did so, consistent with the expected behavior of a cache access strategy's putFromLoad() method.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.PutFromLoadProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for putting a value in a second-level cache that was just loaded from database, and returning a boolean indicating whether it did so, consistent with the expected behavior of a cache access strategy's putFromLoad() method.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.PutFromLoadProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for putting a value in a second-level cache that was just loaded from database, and returning a boolean indicating whether it did so, consistent with the expected behavior of a cache access strategy's putFromLoad() method.
An enum representing the different types of Coherence instances we are dealing with.
An enum representing the different types of Coherence instances we are dealing with.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.SoftLockItemProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for "soft locking" a cache entry and returning an instance of org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.SoftLock.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.SoftLockItemProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for "soft locking" a cache entry and returning an instance of org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.SoftLock.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.SoftUnlockItemProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for releasing a previously-acquired "soft lock" on a cache entry.
A AbstractReadWriteCoherenceEntityDataAccess.SoftUnlockItemProcessor is an EntryProcessor responsible for releasing a previously-acquired "soft lock" on a cache entry.
Helper class for some common String utilities.
Helper class for some common String utilities.